free klm calculator
I need to download and try this free Keystroke-level Model (KLM) calculator.
An ephemeral journal of Jason's sporadic thoughts.
No, I won't be blogging on CHI2006 because I'm not there, but for those of you who couldn't make it this year (like ME!) you can follow along with these blog sites:
We've formed a user experience (UX) team at my client site. We're employing an iterative design process that involves a lot of prototyping, both low-fi and high-fi. In doing high-fi prototypes, I've found several new JavaScript libraries to be invaluable.
.A couple of weeks ago, I had trouble accessing a system I needed in order to do my work. Unable to resolve the problem, I submitted a support request to the company's support request database where it was fielded by a "Web team" engineer. It turns out that the URL I tried to use was wrong. "Strange," I thought, especially since I found the URL directly from the Web team's online documentation. It turns out they kept some of their documentation updated (the documentation that was less visible on their site) but not other documentation (the documentation for this specific system). Granted, it is not uncommon for documentation to deteriorate in an IT setting. It was a simple, easily correctable mistake (which they still haven't corrected, by the way).
You can find the PowerPoint slides for my Infotec talk "A Crash Course in Web Usability" over here.