Sunday, October 31, 2004

to-do item #15682937

Install a WebDAV server on my home PC so I don't have to mess with FTP or Yahoo! Briefcase anymore.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

humor: triumph takes on star wars nerds

I've seen this time and time again, but seeing Triumph rip on the Star Wars nerds brings a tear to my eye and a spasm to my gut every time I watch it. Enjoy.

Click the header of this post to see it. I'm not used to these blogger templates and how they do links yet. :-)

Monday, October 11, 2004

essential bach

What better way to explore better methods of tree visualization than to have Bach's Brandenburg Concertos bouncing in your ear?

In a related note, local classical radio station KVNO is holding its annual fall fundraising drive. If you listen to KVNO, please consider making a pledge.

Thursday, October 07, 2004

language pollution

The English language has changed so much in my lifetime. Colloquialisms, slang terms, and incorrect grammar regularly permeate dictionaries. For example, the previous non-word snuck is now listed as an acceptable form of the more correct version, sneaked, in most major dictionaries.

As a purist, I abhor the eagerness to pollute the English language so quickly, especially when the changes result from laziness rather than necessity. I'm probably just being a curmudgeon.

Maybe I should just relax and accept the fact that nearly anything can make it into the American English dictionary these days.