Wednesday, February 08, 2006

blogging black hole

I've fallen into the trap. The trap I speak of is the period of time that passes when one stops blogging due to one of a variety of reasons. For some daily life gets too hectic to allow for blogging. For those who use blogging as a tool for self-reflection , falling into the blogging "black hole" is a good indicator that life has become too frenzied and simplification may be in order. In other cases, blogging ceases for some because life has become less interesting (e.g., the most intesting thing you post is "well, I had meatloaf last night"). This again is a good indicator of under-stimulation, and that change may be in order to revive one's zest for life.

In my case, it's the former. The kids still keep us running around at all hours of the night (especially Noah, who is still not sleeping through the night at six months of age). Throw in a hectic work schedule and other domestic issues needing attention and suddenly doing something like blogging seems frivolous. But then again, we need to climb out of the black hole from time to time.

Oh, and Steve... this is a sign that you can leave this blog on your blog reader for now. :-)


At 8:12 PM, Blogger Woz said...

Holy crap! You are updating this thing.

I'm now psycho-analyzing my blog entries. Is whining about not being able to win a free coke a sign of sheer boredom?


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