hooked on ecmascript and dom
I used to hate JavaScript. I found it very lax in terms of expression evaluation and very hard to debug under MSIE. Then, I started trying to develop Web pages using "Web standards" (separation of content, style, and behavior using XHTML, CSS, and ECMAScript/DOM respectively). Once I made the attempt, I learned how valuable Firefox can be when adding style and behavior to a page thanks to its JavaScript (a.k.a. ECMAScript) console and DOM Inspector. Firefox supports so much more of the DOM, ECMAScript, and CSS standards. Firefox is even more valuable when you add-in extensions like Live HTTP Headers and Chris Pederick's Web Developer Extensions.
I hope the prevalence of tools like this force MS to get serious about "Browser Wars 2.0" and build a standards-compliant browser with superior developer tools (or at least a good plug-in architecture so that others can build tools). I'm naturally skeptical.
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