xslt localization
I just finished a design at work to allow our XSL stylesheets to be tagged to support localized messages. Once implemented, our application's resource bundles that are normally loaded by the Struts framework will become accessible to both JSP-based views (which is normal) and XSLT-based views (which was previously an unsupported capability). I'm using Xalan-Java extensions to accomplish this.
I don't know of any other projects that have done this. I hope I can find time to publish this design in a trade journal.
Update, 11-Jan-2005: It turns out there was a similar solution to this problem described in a previously published JavaWorld article. My solution is slightly different in that I insert the locale as an XSL variable dynamically rather than hardcoding the bundle name. I use XSLT to insert the variable into the stylesheet used to render the page. I may still publish my solution since I feel it is more elegant. :-)
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